
时间:2017-08-10 英文求职信范文 我要投稿

  求职信是用人单位在面试前了解求职者基本情况的主要手段。因此,综合能力的描述非常重要,应将尽可能多的信息提供给用人单位。对大学毕业生而言,工作 经验是弱项。因此,应重点描述的方面主要包括:独立工作的能力、思想成熟度、诚实度、应变能力、责任感、与人合作共事的能力等。

  对于专业性较强的理工类毕业生,特别是知名院校毕业生,专家认为准备一份内容充实、设计简洁的求职信基本就达到了要求。对于一些专业性不是较强的专 业,学历一般的毕业生应在求职信制作上多下工夫。首先要将个人基本情况写清楚,然后针对应聘岗位特点将自己具备的优势描述出来,当然包括专业知识以外的优 势。


  Dear Sir/Madam:


  First of all, thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter in the busy work. I am glad to hear that your company is expanding the market, recruit talent. Is your company recruit job is I am looking for work, I volunteered to recommend myself. Just entered Shaohua years, I yearn for the good life, slowly life road, I think it at my feet, I hope for is the first step is to enter your company's door.

  My name is 20XX, yjbys years of study at XX college, mechanical design and manufacturing. In three years of school life, I work hard, and strive to make progress, and strive to learn the basis of professional knowledge. Spare time to actively expand their knowledge, to participate in the school's cultural activities. As was about to cross the school gate, towards the community of college students, I filled with enthusiasm and confidence to meet the future of all.

  I know that in today's society is a society full of competition, for talent quality requirements is also more and more high, and the machinery industry requirements for practical ability is also very high, it requires not only the professional knowledge, creativity and practical ability is also essential, so during the period of school, I in addition to the professional courses in the professional learning, learning about computer knowledge. Specialized courses in college, I learned: engineering materials and heat treatment, electrical and Electronics Engineering, mechanical drawing, mechanical principles, mechanical design, mechanical manufacturing technology, PLC, CNC programming, fixture design, machinery manufacturing process and programming. And I also be able to skillfully use CAD/CAM, AUTOCAD and other two-dimensional, three-dimensional software. In school during the academic performance has been in the forefront of the class, has won a variety of scholarships, to participate in various skills competitions have also gained excellent results, and the teachers and students are sure.

  In the profession, in a few years I diligently study the specialized knowledge, starts from the basic knowledge of each course, diligently grasps its basic skill skill, the deep drilling fine research, and has obtained the good result. The second interval school arranged for us to "Xiangzhou" practice, is highly praised by the company.

  Now, I wholehearted enthusiasm, ready to plunge into the social reality of the melting pot, although there are many difficulties and hardships, but I firmly believe that college life to my spirit wealth can help me to overcome them. "Ambition can sometimes straight hanging cloud sail toaid the sea", I hope your company can give me a development platform, I will cherish it, and go all out, to realize their value of life and struggle, for your company's contribution to the development of power. I wish your company a steady development!








  我知道现今社会是一个充满竞争的社会,对于人才素质的要求也是越来越高,而机械这个行业对于动手能力的要求也很高,它不仅要求专业方面的知识,创新和动手能力也是必不可少的,所以在学校期间,我除了学习本专业的专业课程之外,还学习了有关计算机方面的知识。在大学期间我学习的专业课有:工程材料热处理,电工电子学,机械制图,机械原理,机械设计,机械制造工艺学,PLC,数控编程,机床夹具设计,机械制造工艺编程等。并且我还能够熟练运用 AUTOCAD、CAD/CAM等二维、三维软件。在校期间学习成绩一直是班里的前列,先后获得各种奖学金,参加各种技能比赛也获得优越的成绩,并得到老师和同学们的肯定。


  现在,我以满腔的热情,准备投身到现实社会这个大熔炉中,虽然存在很多艰难困苦,但我坚信,大学生活给我的精神财富能够使我战胜它们。“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,希望贵公司能给我一个发展的平台,我会好好珍惜它,并全力以赴,为实现自己的人生价值而奋斗,为贵公司的发展贡献力量。 祝贵公司事业稳步发展!












